Jumu’ah Night is Superior to Lailatul Qadr

Jumu’ah Night is Superior to Lailatul Qadr

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Allah has made certain times of the day superior to others, as well as certain months when compared to others. Interestingly though some scholars have even debated times which are virtuous in of themselves against others. One discussion is the topic of Jumu’ah Night being superior to Lailatul Qadr. Al-Imam Abu Ya’la Muhammad ibn Hussain Al-Hanbali (458H) detailed this topic in an essay which I will analyze here in this article.

Abu Ya’la mentioned that Abul Hasan At-Tamimi (371H) said , “ Friday night is better than Lailatul Qadr.”[1] Other scholars as well from the Hanbali Jurists who held the same view were, Abul Hasan Al-Kharazi, Ibn Battah and Umar ibn Ahmed.

There are many texts which these great Imams and scholars used to support their opinion. Some them are;

  1. The Prophet (ﷺ) said it was the best of the week.
  2. The Prophet (ﷺ) encouraged us the send Salutations on Him during Friday night and the day.
  3. The Day of Judgement will take place on Friday.
  4. There is an hour on Jumu’ah when supplication is answered.
  5. Dying on Friday protects one against the grave punishment.

These are the base texts that Imam Abu Ya’la mentioned in his defense, while some the texts mentioned were based on weak hadith, there were others that carried the same meanings and are authentic.

Those who oppose this view use the following as their basis in their argument that Lailatul Qadr is superior to Jumu’ah night.

  1. Allah said: “ Lailatul Qadr is better than a 1,000 months.”[Al-Qadr 1]

The 1st response to this ayah was a hadith which states it was revealed for a certain reason, as there was a man from Bani Israel who wore a weapon around his waist fighting in Allah’s path for a 1,000 months. The companions were amazed at this man’s sincerity; thus, Allah revealed the verse. This story is weak and it’s mentioned with a chain of Mursal status by Al-Bayhaqi in his sunnan, vol 4, pg 306.

The second reply to this verse is a weak argument that states the verse implies a 1,000 months without Friday as a weekday. While Qatadah said, it means a 1,000 months void of Lailatul Qadr.[2]

 Abu Ya’la rejected the claim that it implies a month without a seven-day week, whereas the interpretation of 1,000 months without Lailatul Qadr is acceptable, since Lailatul Qadr can only happen during Ramdan. In other words, you can have 1,000 months without Lailatul Qadr, but you can’t have a complete month without a Friday Night.

The third argument is the verse, “Therein (that night) is decreed every matter of ordainments .[Ad-Dukhan :4]. This is Lailatul Qadr.

Abu Ya’la claims that although some say it’s inferred to apply to Lailatul Qadr, other scholars hold it to refer to the 15th of Sha’ban. Plus, the issue here isn’t the verse that highlight what takes place during that night, but rather to shed light on the virtue of this night.

There is virtue mentioned for Lailatul Qadr in itself and among them are;

  1. The Quran was revealed to the lowest of Heavens that night.
  2. Standing during its night allows one to become absolved of his minor sins.[3]
  3. The year’s affair is decreed up until the next Lailatul Qadr.
  4. It is a night of peace without any movement of Satan.
  5. Allah said: seek that which Allah has ordained for you…[Al-Baqarah:187] Ibn Abbas said this is Lailtul Qadr.[4]

These 5 arguments point to the virtue of Lailatul Qadr’s high status in of itself, yet it doesn’t provide a strong argument to support that Lailatul Qadr is better than Jumu’ah night. When compared to other nights of the week then Friday night is the best night to die. Reason being, you will be safeguarded against the punishment of the grave.

Those who defend Lailatul Qadr as being higher in rank than Friday night is the fact, we are prohibited to single out Friday night as night to stand, or do certain other acts or worship like fast.

This argument is a good argument with some ground. Although, Imam Abu Ya’la’s reply was that just because we are prohibited from doing certain acts of worship doesn’t decrease the value and superiority of the time, or the day. For example, we are prohibited from praying after Asr and Fajr and these are the best hours of the day. We are prohibited from Fasting on the two Eids, and the Days of Tashreeq and these days are better than others.

The prohibition of standing during Friday night could be imposed, so we would not miss the Jumu’ah prayer and the prohibition of fasting could be so we don’t miss the chance to have relations with our spouse and take a Ghusl before the prayer. Moreover, the prohibition to fast on Jumu’ah could be the same ruling applied to the two Eids, as Friday is the weekly Eid.

Nevertheless, both sides have a legitimate argument. Hence, it is incorrect for one to say that the opposing side is wrong and their position is right. Though the virtue of Friday is clearer cut and specified in a timeframe for any and everyone. This also includes the living and the deceased. On the other hand, Lailtul Qadr isn’t.

Friday is a recurring day. For that reason its virtue only multiplies when compared to one night. This is similar to a man to who died and the Prophet(ﷺ) considered him more virtuous compared to one who remained  on earth; as he was unaware of the man’s deeds. Then He (ﷺ) was asked didn’t you use to say that so and so was better than he was?” The Prophet (ﷺ) replied, where is so and so compared to such and such in regards to the prayer, fasting, and charity.”[5]

In conclusion, the other man’s rank was elevated due to him doing recurring acts of worship. Regularly, praying this is daily. Regularly fasting this can be done 3 days month, every other day, or twice a week. Regularly giving charity and there is no time frame on its description. While Lailtul Qadr is only once a year and Allah knows best.

Taken from

Jumu’ah Night is Superior to Lailatul Qadr by Iman Abu Ya’la

Organised and prepared by

Abu Aaliyah Abdullah ibn Dwight Battle

Doha, Qatar 1443H© Ramadhan 27th

[1] الفروع  vol 5, pg 129 by Ibn Muflih

[2] Tafsir Abdur Razzaq vol 2 pg 386

[3] Al-Bukhari 1901, Muslim 760

[4][4] Tafsir Ibn Abee Hatim

[5] Musnad Imam Ahmed 16074

With the Prophet during Laylatul Qadr

With the Prophet (ﷺ) during Laylatul Qadr

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

By Sheikh Attiya Muhammad Salem (1420H)

The Prophet (ﷺ ) was exposed to the greatness of this night and honored about it by Allah  as being a blessed night ;as there was a man from Bani Israel who wore a weapon for 1000 months fighting in Allah’s path. Hence, Allah gave Muhammad’s ummah the ability to spend the shortest period of time with the fewest number of deeds. He (تعالى)said:

إِنَّا أَنْزَلْنَاهُ فِي لَيْلَةِ الْقَدْرِ (1) وَمَا أَدْرَاكَ مَا لَيْلَةُ الْقَدْرِ (2) لَيْلَةُ الْقَدْرِ خَيْرٌ مِنْ أَلْفِ شَهْرٍ (3) تَنَزَّلُ الْمَلَائِكَةُ وَالرُّوحُ فِيهَا بِإِذْنِ رَبِّهِمْ مِنْ كُلِّ أَمْرٍ (4) سَلَامٌ هِيَ حَتَّى مَطْلَعِ الْفَجْرِ (5)

1. Verily! We have sent it (this Qur’an) down in the night of Al-Qadr (Decree)2. And what will make you know what the night of Al-Qadr (Decree) is?3. The night of Al-Qadr (Decree) is better than a thousand months (i.e. worshipping Allah in that night is better than worshipping Him a thousand months, i.e. 83 years and 4 months).4. Therein descend the angels and the Ruh [Jibrael (Gabriel)] by Allah’s Permission with all Decrees,5. Peace! (All that night, there is Peace and Goodness from Allah to His believing slaves) until the appearance of dawn.

Its said the meaning of Al-Qadr is to have a high status and others have said it means decree. Both of these meanings are correct. The night of Qadr has a high status. It is the time and place when the affairs are decided for every year.  Allah says in the Quran.

إِنَّا أَنْزَلْنَاهُ فِي لَيْلَةٍ مُبَارَكَةٍ إِنَّا كُنَّا مُنْذِرِينَ (3) فِيهَا يُفْرَقُ كُلُّ أَمْرٍ حَكِيمٍ

We sent it (this Qur’an) down on a blessed night Verily, We are ever warning [mankind that Our Torment will reach those who disbelieve in Our Oneness of Lordship and in Our Oneness of worship].4. Therein (that night) is decreed every matter of ordainments.

1000 months is equivalent to more than 83 years, so if a person stands that night, then it would be as if he stood for 83 years or worship, and without a doubt this is something worth striving for diligently. The Prophet (ﷺ) was  the most diligent of people in striving to stand laylatul Qadr.

He would also perform ‘itikaf in the masjid separating himself from all the various duties and worldly affairs due to laylatul Qadr.He (ﷺ) said:

مَنْ قَامَ لَيْلَةَ الْقَدْرِ إِيمَانًا وَاحْتِسَابًا غُفِرَ لَهُ مَا تَقَدَّمَ مِنْ ذَنْبِهِ

Whoever stands the night of Qadr with faith anticipating Allah’s reward then his previous sins will be forgiven.

It’s worth noting here that the special traits of this night are that Allah has honored humanity with it by sending down the light of guidance, and removing the darkness of misguidance, and the spirituality of Revelation. Consequently, He((تعالى gave life through this night to the hearts(of the believers) to perform righteous deeds and everything that revives the Muslims on earth through sending the Angels and Jibril. This is all mentioned in the Surah. It is as if Allah pointing to the that fact that had He stopped sending Jibril with revelation to the Prophet then this wouldn’t have stopped what is found in that night. This night renews everything that has been eroded in one’s faith.

By Allah’s decree revelation and legislation were sent to mankind; so by Allah’s will the affairs of everything are decided and the yearly plan is laid out for all the people on earth. During this night the angels fill the sky  for every Muslim offering them peace. The whole world on that night is rejoicing when the flags of peace, goodness and safety flutter over it.

This gives the Muslims the right to call the entire world to our religion. It has a message from our Prophet(ﷺ) to them. The religion of Islam carries a message of peace which renews its covenant with its lord every year.

This is what Muhammed(ﷺ) invited his ummah to do on that night. The message of peace. It’s a fact by worship, performing Itikaf , then refraining from harming others, and working diligently in everything that pleases Allah. We are fasting during the day and we are standing during the night. At the same time the Angels are sending us peace.

It is a unique picture, and uplifting in its subject matter. Whoever misses its bounty and is deprived of its goodness has wronged himself. It was explained to Aisha what to say in the event she reaches that night. He (ﷺ) said say :

للَّهُمَّ إِنَّكَ عَفُوٌّ تُحِبُّ الْعَفْوَ فَاعْفُ عَنِّي

(O Allah, You are Forgiving and love forgiveness, so forgive me).‏

This supplication in a just few words. It combines all goodness miraculously.
The one who is given the pardon is given it in his body, soul, his judgement and account, thus he is victorious by attaining the happiness in both worlds.

Muhammed (ﷺ) made it clear to his companions that its occurrence is in the odd nights of the last 10 during Ramadan. There is no need to go into detail in specifying the one night which it may occur. In every odd night there is a text that clearly states it, so for this reason it is safe to say that in every year it changes. In one year, it could be on the 27th. In another year it could be on the 25th, the 23rd, or even on the 21st night. The Prophet(ﷺ) regularly maintained ‘itikaf in the last ten nights seeking laylatul Qadr.[1]

Translated by:

Abu Aaliyah Abdullah Battle

Doha,Qatar 1443©

[1] مجموع الرسائل المديني  vol 1, pg 157-158 by Sheikh Attiya Muhammed Salim(1420H)