Don’t Provide for Satan

Don’t Provide for Satan

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

 عن ابن عباس رضي الله عنهما قال النبي –  قال إبلِيسُ يا ربِّ كُلُّ خَلْقِكَ بَيَّنْتَ رِزْقَهُ فَفِيمَ رِزْقِي قَالَ فِيمَ لَمْ يُذكَر اسمِي عَلَيه

Ibn Abbass (Radi Allahu Anhu ) narrated the Prophet  (sallAllahu alayhi wa salam ) said, “Ibliss said,” My Lord, all of your creation has its own share of provisions written already, so what will be my share of provisions. Allah said, “Everything in which My Name isn’t mentioned over.”[1]

Lessons from this Subject

Shaykh Zaid
Al-Madkhali (May Allah have mercy on him) said: “This hadith explains some
issues related to Aqeedah (the belief system of the Muslim). Allah has
proportioned the provisions for each and every one of His creation. He has taught
us what Halal is and thus made it lawful for us, and what is Haraam; therefore
prohibiting it for us.  Hence when Iblis
wanted to know what his provisions were Allah told him , “Everything in
which my name isn’t mentioned over
.” For that reason the Muslim has
been ordered to say, Bismillah” before eating, drinking, Wudu, Ghusl and sex
and so forth.

Saying the Basamallah is either recommended or obligatory when eating or having relations, and if a person doesn’t say it when eating, then the devil eats with him.

In closing,
saying the BasamAllah repels Ibliss and grants one the protection of Ar-Rahman.

Taken from Ta’leeqat  Al-Maleehah vol 2/pg 236

Translated by Abu
Aaliyah Abdullah ibn Dwight Battle Sr.

Doha, Qatar 1441/2020 ©

[1] Kitab Al-Uthama by Abu Sheikh vol 5/1683 graded
as being Sahih by Imam Al-Albani in Silsilah #708